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Why Is My Minecraft So Laggy? Tips to Reduce Lag

It may occur due to incorrect input and output audio settings on your PC. Another reason for the same can be that the game settings are not configured correctly. Also, software conflicts, outdated audio drivers, and insufficient admin rights to run Valorant can also be reasons for this problem. We have discussed the methods to fix the problem in all these scenarios; so take a look.

  • If you are experiencing lag or slow performance, there are a few things you can do to improve your speed.
  • When you join a public server with high ping levels, there’s not much you can do about it.
  • You could require less steps then this, or some windows 10 safe mode that are not know.
  • 4) You may be required to confirm the uninstallation.

You may be able to resolve the crashing issue by disabling in-game overlay. Driver Updater scans your computer for driver issues and presents you with a complete list of all problematic drivers. You can then update all of them or select the ones you want to update. Also, check out the additional requirements for the game if you have enabled graphics settings like Ray Tracing.

How to Fix Valorant Voice Chat not Working?

My game won’t let me download the new multiplayer packs and every time I click on it to show my downloads, the screen then says “store unavailable”. The weapon isn’t the most accurate, but it hits like a brick and handles well in a practiced player’s clutches. Unfortunately, the weapon is causing a major problem following Call of Duty’s latest major update. Fortunately, Infinity Ward claims a fix is coming. If you are using any gaming laptop or PC, make sure not to enable the game boost utility. Various users have reported that the game isn’t compatible with these tools, and this is one of the major reasons why it crashes with Call of Duty Modern Warfare Fatal Error. Suppose you are trying the run the game below the minimum Required Configuration of the game.


When you are spending time with someone, ask them to save social media and texting for later. If you have to compete with social media for your friends attention, it probably doesn’t feel good. Hearing about what is happening on Facebook may entice you to come back before you are ready. Take out a sheet of paper and a pen and think about the positives and negatives of social media.

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