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White-Label Crypto Exchange Software

It is very difficult to open a bank account for a cryptocurrency exchange, but once you become our client we can help you with opening accounts in different EMIs in conjunction with our consulting services. A website is a place where your clients find out information about your products and services and your company overall. A good website fosters credibility and helps drive the selling process.

It comprises several parts and different aspects that each business owner needs to take into consideration when getting started with this type of operation i.e. Legal, Marketing, Sales, Operations, Finance, Liquidity and Technology. Merkeleon was among the pioneers in 2014, when we launched our first exchange. Our deep experience in this field helps our specialists to optimize operational risks and expenses. Our team put lots of effort into monthly updates and scheduled security audits. The Merkeleon exchange solution is ready to launch within 2 weeks or slightly longer if an operator wants to modify the front-end, add some modules, orders or payment methods.

crypto exchange software solutions

Virtually unlimited number of both crypto and fiat instruments for exchange and trading. The solution supports the connection of 60+ payment systems out of the box, any other connections are available upon request. Hashcash developed the payment system, We used HC NET to make payments to vendors in China, India, and the Philippines. We have sent our first batch of cross-border vendor payments using Blockchain. The White Label lists most of the popular cryptocurrency options and makes periodic adjustments to include more. Accepted crypto options include Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, XRP, HCX, ERC20, and more.

We can help you if you are looking for a new or secure system in this business. Tradebox is an advanced level cryptocurrency trading software that lets you buy, sell, exchange, and monitor digital currency effortlessly. You can get this top-rated software with complete source code from our website or in different marketplaces.

User Panel

It’s the best way to buy, sell, or exchange any crypto coins via BitGo, CoinPayment and your own hosted node. It can connect to a coin payment merchant account or a personally hosted node. It supports all cryptocurrency wallets, including Coin Payment, Buys and Selling, Stop Limits, Deposit, Withdrawal and Referral System. You can place buy or sell orders based on your preference of coin prices in the trading system. You can also view your buy-sell transaction status and deposit history. KIRHYIP is a leading blockchain development company specializing in providing complete software solutions and services for all types of businesses and startups.

Our expert solutions help businesses top the world regardless of the industry they serve. Explore our Blockchain engineering team to build enterprise-class Blockchain applications and start innovating today. We provide Blockchain consultation, develop enterprise applications, invest in startups, build developer tools, and offer Blockchain education. Our Mobile app developers build custom innovative solutions that are designed and delivered to your specific requirement. SoluLab expertise in working on user-centric mobile experiences that are engaging and responsive so you gain maximum business traction and your customers are served well.

Key Features of Our Whitelabel Crypto Exchange Solution

Helping transform businesses through cutting-edge technologies, Prolitus is a well-known White Label Cryptocurrency Exchange solutions provider in the Crypto world. The software that they produce comes with integrated wallets and payment gateways which also contains advanced and basic KYC modules. With options for both centralized and decentralized platforms, Prolitus keeps the option open to link white label cryptocurrency software crypto exchange software solutions to Data Analytics platforms. The analytical dashboards that the software comes with is an added feature. To help you narrow down the choices, we have identified a list of the top 5 white label cryptocurrency exchange solutions and highlighted why they are worth considering and what they have to offer. Since this is a white label solution, it implies some limits in the configuration possibilities, if a quick start is required.

crypto exchange software solutions

It is wise to have a sound understanding of the laws regarding cryptocurrency in your country. White Label Cryptocurrency Exchange software contains multiple functions and features. As a buyer, one should always prioritize performance, security, and scalability over others. Exchanges offering premium features in these aspects are more likely to succeed in gaining newer clients.

Top Cryptocurrency Exchange Selection Tips

We offer Blockchain consulting, development of enterprise applications, investment in startups, building developer tools, and education. Our mobile app developers create innovative solutions tailored to your needs. SoluLab’s expertise in mobile user-centric experiences is invaluable so that you can gain maximum business traction.

Give them peace of mind with wallet features like multi-factor authentication, automatic logouts, accessible payment gateways, and support for multiple currencies. Build an air-tight decentralized exchange platform that lets people trade with peace of mind without middlemen or central admins. Our P2P cryptocurrency exchange software comes with escrow protection and automated smart contracts that allow for impeccable transparency and reliability in crypto trades. You can securely buy and trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, or any other digital currency. Coinsquare’s QuickTrade feature instantly allows you to trade between any two currencies, XRP to Ethereum or Litecoins to EUR. We are SSL and 2FA-enabled, with a 95% cold store policy on all digital currency.

WhiteLabel Cryptocurrency Exchange Software

For those unfamiliar, having a platform that runs on an open-source code means that practically everyone can see the lines of the code that is responsible for the way that the system operates. In case that some exchange software does not meet this standard of transparency, the investor should be quite skeptical pending subsequent investigation. The first and most obvious types of exchange networks that everyone should avoid are those that offer far-fetched guarantees.

Also, the is a risk that the project will fail as developers are building a custom-made platform that may not deliver as expected. The minimum time to deploy and launch the solution can be three weeks, but the exact estimate depends on the configuration of your choice. The license agreement includes an option to provide a white label sublicense to a third party. Funds are kept in hot wallets for a short period of time before being placed in cold wallets. The software package features routines for daily data backups as well as synchronous backups. Solution components have been tested by our clients under extreme market conditions for the widest range of challenges.

crypto exchange software solutions

Please note, gmail and other providers may classify our response as unsolicited. The process we use to follow simplifies our workflow that leads to no-issue or bug-free applications that satisfy your requirements. Our Cryptocurrency Exchange Software Solution ties with few necessary components that meet your desired business model.

Best White Label Crypto Exchange Software of 2023

Often, the approach to white label digital asset exchange development is limited to just software modules, where the feature set does not particularly differ from manufacturer to manufacturer. We also provide blockchain analytical tools that support all the links in the payment chain and check them for compromising. In 2014, one exchange was singlehandedly controlling a whopping 70 percent of all Bitcoin transactions in the market. Although this seemingly started as a minor failure of the system, it turned out to be one of the largest thefts of digital assets in the history. That exchange is now estimated to have stolen over $3.5 billion in current-day Bitcoin.

  • In order to deliver the goods without fail, an exchange platform must score high in reliability, security, and scalability.
  • Compare the best White Label Crypto Exchange software for Cloud currently available using the table below.
  • We are your go-to development partner for creating customized, world-class exchange platforms.
  • Our whitelabel crypto exchange solution uses cutting-edge technologies for rapid customization.
  • BlockchainAppsDeveloper always delivers the best output in product deliverance and thus, this crypto exchange software is an easy front-end customization according to your requirements of desire.
  • Openware provides collaboration, maintenance, and self-service workflows on top of the open-source code provisioning for the OpenDAX™ product.

We are your go-to development partner for creating customized, world-class exchange platforms. Plan, build, and implement any type of cryptocurrency exchange platform with a turnkey solution. It is important that the exchange script responds effectively without passing excessive costs on operators. If the program presupposes trading not only with cryptocurrency but also fiat, a financial licence will be required. Plus, cryptocurrency exchanges must use the KYC system to counter money laundering. Get your own crypto gateway to enable users with free instant off-chain transactions within your ecosystem.

Cryptocurrency Wallets Development and Integration

We offer cryptocurrency exchange with utmost precision and exceptionally secure and scalable architectural design resulting in swift deployment with ensured security implementations. Stay one step ahead of the competition with our innovative development solutions for crypto derivatives exchanges. Our platforms supply feature-rich trading services to facilitate quick, secure, and efficient speculative trading of crypto derivatives.

The popular white-label crypto-currency developer offers a wide range of broker and cryptocurrency solutions. Its trading platform supports trading in unlimited assets, including digital assets, fiat currencies, forex and equities. We have a large team of blockchain experts who have in-depth knowledge and insight into all industry trends and technologies. We have significant years of experience in crypto & blockchain and have served over 120+ happy global customers. Our developers specialize in blockchain sites such as TRON, Ethereum, HYPERLEDGER, Stellar, Hedera and many more. With our expert continuous and rigorous efforts businesses now can easily accomplish a competitive advantage against their competitors with our exclusive White-label cryptocurrency exchange software solutions.

You can also have a more detailed read through Openware Blockchain development SDK resources on Openware stack SaaS platforms, components, and modules. #OpenDAX™ Open-Source Experiment, customize, improve, and build on OpenDAX™ software stack in this community effort to enhance the technology. This guide provides a strategic checklist for enterprises interested in understanding how to plan, launch and operate a successful exchange.

With Modulus, you are in complete control of your business, as you will be in control of your user data, trades, and profits. Modulus does not require ongoing royalties, commissions, or backend deals with liquidity providers or other service providers . Different types of two-factor authentication, like SMS, software-based, hardware-based, and biometric, enhance the security of users’ transactions and data. A trustworthy crypto trading platform must have high-speed transactions per second for the best experience in trading.

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