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Top 16 Freelance Web Designers for Hire

Kriss is an experienced designer specializing in UI/UX and visual design. He has worked closely with developers and clients’ stakeholders on different web design projects. If yes, then this team already knows the needs of your industry and will be more the kind of expert you need than will other Web design generalists who haven’t produced these particular sites.

hire web designer

You’ll never be able to determine if a web design agency is right for you if you don’t speak with them on the phone. Next, you’ll want to determine whether you enjoy being on their website. It’s helpful to highlight agencies that make it past your first round of screening, and cross off ones that don’t. You should start by removing agencies outside your price range since spending too much on a website could get your business into financial trouble.

Step 4: Choose the best designer for your project

But for those who aren’t designers, the choosing of a professional can seem an overwhelming task. For a more detailed breakdown of how these different general price tiers work in practice, you can turn to our guide to website designer costs. The size of your business can help you determine what your website needs are, which will in turn determine what price range to expect. If you’re interested in hiring or contracting a web designer, it’s time to source the right candidate. On that note, transparent pricing for web design can be really difficult to find online as it’s often calculated on a quote-by-quote basis. Use our free web design comparison tool to receive personalized quotes from top web design services in minutes.

hire web designer

They also feature a team of web designers that they can brainstorm with, bounce ideas off of, and get advice from when it comes to their designs. When you run a business, you wear a lot of hats to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Just like you have different departments that take care of different jobs, it only makes sense that you should find a website designer take care of your website as well. The best place to look for a web designer depends on your needs and circumstances. Take our 60-second quiz to discover where to find some of the best web designers, or check out our top 11 recommendations below.

Web design disciplines and roles

While Google is a great way to access lots of leads, freelance sites like Fiverr and Upwork are arguably a simpler way to source high-quality talent. The platforms make it easy for you to refine your search so you can find professionals with the skills you need, at a price that suits you. Using the sites is pretty straightforward too, all businesses need to do is verify their account and they’re good to go.

If there are no testimonials, ask for references when you call the provider. You are looking to hire, so you have the right to check their work references. Those who can spot a good Web designer are usually a good Web designer themselves, or will at least have done quite a bit of Web design themselves.


He has worked as the main designer, team lead, art director, and UI designer, Currently he is working as a freelancer and is open to any kind of projects and startups. Fernando is an art director with more than nine years of experience working for major brands in the US and global advertising agencies. He combines his knowledge as an art director in the fashion and luxury industries with current tech and web design trends. Fernando has helped multiple brands build their identity and full online presence from the ground up.

Web designers well versed in modern practices and workflows should be acquainted with good tools for prototyping and wireframing such as UXpin, Balsamiq or Axure. While some may prefer creating the wireframes in Photoshop, Fireworks or InDesign, others implement them straight into popular CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation. The advantage of the latter is that these early prototypes later evolve into actual production templates. It’s important for you to know some of the broader terms so you can better understand what kind of design professional is best suited for the role you are trying to fill.


Web design agencies have tons of resources that allow them to make amazing websites for their clients. They utilize paid software that allows them to craft custom website elements, come up with amazing color schemes, and have access to custom fonts for your site. The big picture decisions you make now in regards to visual design, UI, and UX will act as a necessary guide when your web designer digs into the specific design of your site. If the above still seems intimidating, then you should look for an expert designer who can serve as a creative collaborator for the duration of the project. Your budget will determine the level of expertise you can get for your new website. With a lower budget, you will more than likely spend more time walking through the design project.

After you’ve zeroed in on some potential designers, it’s time to compare portfolios. By looking at examples of their past work, you’ll be able to gauge their level of skill and it’ll be easier to work out of they’d be a good fit for your site. One of the easiest places to compare options is Google (or your preferred search engine).

Each designer is ranked either Top, Mid or Entry level, and clients can easily see this level and select a designer to work with based on their needs and budget. Beware of companies and individuals who claim to be Web designers and developers but perform mostly graphic design and work in print media. Being able to use Web creation software such as Dreamweaver does not make a Web designer.

  • Your web design project contains multiple deliverables, and you’ll need an experienced freelance designer to take on each element.
  • Ideally, you want your site to work independent of the user’s operating system and browser.
  • Over the past 8 years of working with fully or partially distributed teams, Carlos manages working remotely far better than anyone I’ve encountered because of his strong communication and presentation skills.
  • Once you’ve found a handful of portfolios you’re happy with, it’s time to make sure their services are within your budget.
  • Start working with your pro, set a timeline, payment plan and project details that will help bring your ideas to life.

For this reason, if your project requires the use of a particular language or technology, it’s a good idea to seek out designers who already specialize in that area. If you’re planning to hire a web designer on a freelance basis, you should provide your top candidates with a project brief outlining your design needs and goals, timeline, and budget. Select your final applicant based on how well their proposal reflects your company’s goals, brand ethos, and target users’ needs. Then you’ll need to draw up a design services contract for the designer of your choice. One such ineffective and outdated practice is the “three mockups” approach. In the past, companies that have needed web design services have asked designers to provide three (usually) Photoshop mockups (or other forms of high-fidelity comps) to choose from.

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