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Kotlin: Everything you need to know about Android’s newest development language

Web development is also a popular use of Kotlin, and developers can share code between the client and server. The Ktor framework can help web developers build asynchronous servers. The school offers a comprehensive Kotlin course that covers everything from the basics of the language to advanced topics. The course is designed for both beginners and experienced developers.

who is kotlin developer

It is especially easy to learn if you have experience with Python or Java. Because it’s so powerful and is cross-platform (the device you’re using to read this probably has a Java application framework and runtime installed) it’s complicated. Java is a multi-paradigm programming language that supports object-oriented programming. You write code using objects (a variable or a function or almost any kind of data set), and you use classes to define the type and initial data inside an object. Oh, and you had to be sure to include the right libraries that let the classes define an object. And I’m even leaving out a huge chunk of information about how object-oriented programming works and just giving a basic overview.

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Functions are a first-class citizen in Kotlin, and composable functions are the core of Compose. This means that composables can easily be reused throughout your application, without having to be tied to a specific class, Activity or Fragment. We’re not Compose-first yet, but Compose is the future of UI development on Android. Right now, for developers that are starting to learn Android, we’re already recommending the Android Basics with Compose course, rather than the Views one. The three things above all have one thing in common, and it’s why developer love Kotlin so much — the code is more friendly. Writing the code is faster, more forgiving and just plain easier than it is in Java, and reading the code you or someone else has written makes more sense.

who is kotlin developer

Kotlin 1.3 added support for contracts,[35] which are stable for the standard library declarations, but still experimental for user-defined declarations. Contracts are inspired by Eiffel’s design by contract[36] programming paradigm. Class members are public by default, and classes themselves are final by default, meaning that creating a derived class is disabled unless the base class is declared with the open keyword.

Kotlin (programming language)

Kotlin’s rise in popularity, backend by its concise syntax, interoperability, and strong tooling support, has solidified its position as a preferred language for modern software development. By understanding the essential skills, experience, and qualities of an exceptional Kotlin developer, you can confidently get onto the market and start your hunt for the most ideal candidates. A Kotlin developer is a software developer who specializes in using the Kotlin programming language to build various types of applications, software solutions, and projects. Kotlin developers are well-versed in the language’s syntax, features, and best practices, allowing them to efficiently write clean, concise, and maintainable code.

The programming language has very little to do with the way an app looks or how it works. It’s simply how a developer tell’s your phone to do something and then show you the result in some way. If a developer can spend less time writing the complicated code that makes your phone do that thing and tell you about it, they have more time to add better features or build a better design. This is one of the most important steps of the hiring process for developers.

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It’s powerful, meaning you can use Java to write programs that do a lot of different things like games or utilities or hardware control or anything else. It’s also the programming language that almost every Android application is written in, as well as parts of Android itself like your home app or phone dialer app. Kotlin developers ensure that the designs comply with the specifications provided. They write well-designed and efficient code and also analyze, test and assist with the integration of applications.

who is kotlin developer

Functional programming permits developers to build software by using functions, where each function returns a value. Kotlin developers are developers who are familiar and proficient with the Kotlin programming languages. As Kotlin isn’t restricted to a specific type of development, Kotlin developers can be any type of developer.


With our guidance and support, you can confidently conduct a hiring process with Flutter Developers and enhance the performance of your Engineering Team. Due to economic differences between the United States and South America as a whole, the cost of offshoring software development is significantly lower than hiring full-time with U.S talent. For Senior C Developers in South America, the average salary is currently around $100,000 whereas a mid-level developer costs around $76,000. For Senior Kotlin Developers in South America, the average salary is currently around $100,000 whereas a mid-level developer costs around $76,000. On the topic of safety, in being strongly and statically typed, Kotlin is objectively safer than languages that are not designed with these features. These features leverage checking and error detection to reduce bugs in the code and runtime errors.

  • Scalable software development starts with picking a viable tech stack that can meet your business’s needs and prove to be reliable down the line.
  • Released in 2016, Kotlin is fairly modern but comes equipped with numerous features.
  • In this blog post, we will take a look at what it takes to become a Kotlin developer.
  • As systems programmers, C developers have strong problem-solving skills and use structural programming to write clean, reusable code.

We don’t get any details about your code or project, as the statistics are anonymous and don’t contain any sensitive data. To make our calculations more accurate, you can help us collect more real usage data by opting-in to send us anonymous statistics from your project. We collect this data from IntelliJ IDEA and the Kotlin Plugin, as well as from Android Studio.

What was your primary programming language before you switched to Kotlin?

You can use a shared document or note-taking app, to keep your notes organized and easily accessible. Actively listen to your team member’s concerns and show genuine interest in their perspective. This can help build trust and encourage more open and honest communication.

They are engaged on a project-by-project basis, providing flexibility and specialized skills to tackle specific tasks or initiatives. Freelancers typically work remotely and are hire kotlin programmer hired under contractual agreements for the duration of the specific project. Their status as independent contractors means they manage their own taxes and business expenses.

Companies that use Flutter

Kotlin is a very concise language, so you will be able to write a lot of code in a short amount of time. Once you have chosen your development environment, the next step is to choose a Kotlin project to work on. There are many open-source Kotlin projects on GitHub, and we recommend choosing one of these projects to get started. Kotlin is an object-oriented programming language, so it is important to have a good grasp of object-oriented concepts.

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