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How to Become a CPA: 9 Steps to Success

what is a certified public accountant

CPA is a license awarded by the state you want to work in, which allows you to practice as an advanced accountant. To obtain a CPA license, you must pass all four parts of the CPA exam. Once you’ve passed them and met the work experience requirement, you’re eligible to apply for a CPA license with your state board of accountancy. Yes, most states require some form of work experience to become a licensed CPA. The specific requirements vary by state, but typically involve a certain number of years (ranging from 1 to 2 years) of accounting experience under the supervision of a licensed CPA. Some will choose to do additional courses alongside their degree course to fulfill the accounting credit hours requirement needed to get the CPA qualification.

Have a look at our blog discussing the difference between awarding bodies for more information about Accountancy Qualifications and types of accountant. Since the award of a Royal Charter to the ACCA in 1996, Certified Accountants are now also (somewhat confusingly) referred to as Chartered. Chartered Certified Accountants, previously Certified Accountants, are affiliated to the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), originally a UK institution but now able to award qualifications worldwide. Members (designated by the suffix of ACCA or, after five years FCCA, meaning Fellow of the Association) are required to pass a series of fourteen exams to achieve accreditation. The ACCA also imposes a similar program of professional development to the Chartered Associations.

How long does it take to become a CPA?

Most states define one year of experience as 1,800–2,000 hours of work. Applicants must obtain that experience within a specified time frame. Even without the required schooling and work experience, CPA test takers have their work cut out for them. But the reward is a respected professional designation that most often comes with a significantly higher rate of pay. To give yourself the best chance possible when taking the exam, taking one of the best CPA prep courses might be worth considering. BEC is arguably the easiest section, and most candidates pass it on their first attempt.

  • Our seasonal roles are perfect for both those new to accounting who want to gain valuable experience and tax professionals who may have their own tax preparation business and need to make some extra money during tax season.
  • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).
  • The ACCA also imposes a similar program of professional development to the Chartered Associations.
  • Still, those with a CPA earn 25% more, on average, than non-CPA accountants.

These institutes award their certifications only after candidates have passed fifteen exams and logged more than 450 hours of relevant work experience. They also enforce a program of continuing professional development with the result that standards of practice remain amongst the highest in the world. Our seasonal roles are perfect for both those new to accounting who want to gain valuable experience and tax professionals who may have their own tax preparation business and need to make some extra money during tax season. Regardless of which category you belong to, Intuit will provide additional resources to support your professional development.

Regulatory or professional bodies

States maintain different requirements for whether CPA candidates can sit for the CPA exam before completing their degree. For example, Hawaii only requires examinees to be within 120 days of finishing their bachelor’s program, while Arizona requires candidates to complete their degree before applying for the test. CPA candidates should consult state-specific eligibility information to learn more. Your total score for the BEC section is a weighted combination of scaled scores from multiple-choice questions, task-based simulations, and written communication tasks. Multiple-choice questions count for 50% of the total score, tasked-based simulations count for 35%, and written communication tasks count for 15%. CPAs are often the people who are called in to conduct audits — assessments of a business’s paperwork and financial statements.

what is a certified public accountant

They can also hold chief controller or chief financial officer (CFO) positions, depending on their skill level and education. If you are interested in starting or running a business, the MBA is a comprehensive degree that may be better for you. If you are a “numbers person” or interested only in the accounting profession, the CPA may be better California State Tax Guide for you. In 1934, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) required all publicly traded companies to file periodic financial reports endorsed by members of the accounting industry. The AICPA established accounting standards until 1973 when the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) was launched to set standards for private companies.

Can You Become a CPA Online?

The word ‘Chartered’ refers to the Royal Charters awarded to the original Edinburgh Society of Accountants in 1854, and to other institutes during the subsequent development of the profession since then. A Royal Charter is a formal grant of legal powers coming directly from the monarch. Most universities, for example, are given the power to award their degrees by Royal Charter. The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW). Individual accountants will typically have ACA or FCA after their name. At Intuit, we offer competitive wages and bonuses to Tax Experts, Bookkeepers, and more for those with a CPA.

  • An accountant will also often help a client manage their books, which also helps the organization or individual understand their cash flow and overall financial position.
  • Candidates have four hours to complete each section, with a total exam time of 16 hours.
  • Certified public accountants (CPAs) are at the top of the accounting field.
  • You do not necessarily have to have an accounting degree, but there will be a minimum number of credit hours required where individuals will need to have studied an accounting course.
  • Some of these hours will need to be from completing an accounting course, but the exact number will vary from state to state.
  • The CPA designation is specific to the country in which the exam is taken, though it is a well-known program that is offered in many countries around the world.

The FAR section tests knowledge and understanding of the financial reporting framework used by business enterprises, not-for-profit organizations, and government entities. It includes 66 multiple-choice questions as well as eight task-based simulations that use real-life work situations to test your skill. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) develops and scores the test, grading each part on a scale of zero to 99. For the AUD, FAR, and REG sections, your total score is a weighted combination of scaled scores from multiple-choice questions and task-based simulations. Multiple-choice questions count for 50% of the total score and tasked-based simulations count for the other 50%. For a firm to use the designation Certified Public Accountant(s), all the partners or directors/shareholders must be members of the association and the principal must hold a current practising certificate.

CPA Ethics

Be certain to understand the requirements in your state and any states you intend to work in to ensure your license is accepted. Find your state’s Board of Accountancy and review its website to get clarity on what you’ll need to do. You can also pursue management consulting, information technology, education, and financial planning careers.

what is a certified public accountant

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