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Celebrities and substance abuse PMC

After being introduced to drugs by his father when he was just 8 years old, the actor was in and out of jail for various drug charges between 1996 and 2001. “That was the first time I ever realized I had a problem with drugs and alcohol⁠,” Cooper shared. “He took that risk of having a hard conversation with me that put me on a path of deciding to change my life.”

An ambulance took him to Baptist Memorial Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, where he was pronounced dead. During his life, he won three Grammy’s and the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award. Dubbed the most awarded female artist of all time by Guinness World Records, Whitney Houston had earned two Emmy’s, six Grammy’s and 30 Billboard Music Awards by 2010. However, she died tragically on the night before the 2012 Grammy Awards.

Entertainers Who Struggled with Addiction

That’s why it’s so important to know how to spot the signs of addiction early on – so you can get help before it’s too late. You can also take a short online addiction quiz to help you take stock of addictive behaviors or even get in contact for a free phone evaluation. In the end, the most important step is recognizing that there’s a problem and committing to getting help. As so many of the famous drug addicts above have shown, addiction isn’t permanent, and it certainly isn’t a death sentence. Recovery is possible – and with the right help, it can be easier than you ever imagined.

In 2010, she first sought treatment for addiction, along with mental health issues including bipolar and eating disorders. She has addressed her ongoing recovery in interviews, on social media, and in her music. Fellow Disney teen star, Demi Lovato, similarly struggled through her twenties with substance abuse and her mental health. In July 2018, the 25-year-old overdosed at home in the Hollywood Hills and had to be revived with Narcan (an anti-Opioid overdose medication). For years, Lovato has been open about addiction and how that’s affected her bipolar disorder and disordered eating.

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“At some point, Jennifer — who has been very clean for 16 years now — convinced me to shoot up. ‘Come on, everyone’s doing it.’ So that’s when my whole heroin drama began,” Love told sobriety blog The Fix in 2011. Robert Downey, Jr., teenage heartthrob turned “Iron Man” superstar, has lived a very public battle with heroin and drugs.

“We’re in an impasse and a crux of a moment where talking about how we figure ourselves out, how we fix ourselves takes a journey and solutions. Most people do it in private.” In August 2022, the singer’s band Lady A postponed their Request Line Tour amid Kelley’s sobriety journey. Several of Hollywood’s biggest stars have been candid about their sobriety journeys over the years.

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On January 2, 2023, I celebrated one year of sobriety.” The actress continued, “While this journey has mostly been private, I felt compelled tonight to let anyone who is struggling know that you are not alone and you are loved.” We are dedicated to transforming the despair of addiction into a purposeful life of confidence, self-respect and happiness. We want to give recovering addicts the tools to return to the outside world completely substance-free and successful. Elvis Presley was a singer and actor known as the “King of Rock and Roll.” In 1977, he died of a heart attack that was probably linked to his prescription drug addiction. Mac Miller was a rapper who often wrote lyrics about his substance abuse problems. According to toxicology reports, his death involved cocaine, alcohol, and counterfeit oxycodone pills laced with fentanyl.

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