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Alcohol-Free Ways to Unwind at the End of a Long Day

If you’re looking to reduce your alcohol intake, there are plenty of other natural alternatives to an alcohol buzz. It’s a fermented drink made of tea, sugar, bacteria and yeast, with antioxidants and antibacterial properties. Kombucha is a probiotic, giving your gut the healthy bacteria it needs. It may also help to manage type two diabetes, reduce the risk of heart disease and have extra benefits when made correctly.

  • Alcohol can represent a big piece of any bill at a restaurant, and bars or breweries can really stretch the budget.
  • It’s perfectly normal if you turn to a glass of wine to relax after a long day though, research from an ICM poll shows that two in three of us do it.
  • These drinks are made from distilled botanic ingredients, such as hops, oak, allspice, and rosemary, to create a flavorful liquid that’s meant to be mixed into mocktails.
  • Hitting the gym or a fun workout class (think aerial yoga or kickboxing) with a friend or coworker can help you beat stress without the hangover.
  • Moreover, spending quality time with those closest to you may reduce stress and boost your mood.
  • You can shop low sugar varieties or natural juices, right through to fruity blends and concoctions that will make your taste buds dance.

These include the benzodiazepines, e.g., Valium and Z-drugs that are used to treat anxiety, insomnia, and epileptic seizures. Low doses of some of these have been shown in human studies to have effects that are indistinguishable from low doses of alcohol, suggesting they might be alternatives to alcohol [30]. Endorphins are the brain’s internal endogenous opioid system, which dampens down pain and also produces feelings of euphoria.

Try Kava

To brew the most fabulous herbal tea, begin by cleaning approximately ten lemon balm leaves and placing them in a teapot filled with boiling water. Allow the mixture to steep for around five minutes before adding a tablespoon of honey and drinking it while still warm. You can easily make yourself delicious mocktails at home by searching online for the best mocktail recipes or adapting your favorite alcoholic cocktail to remove the alcohol. Chamomile tea is widely recognized for its sleep-enhancing qualities.

healthy alternatives to drinking alcohol

CBD oil is a safe alternative to alcohol’s buzz that has very few negative side effects. It will help improve your mood while reducing anxiety and stress, which is great for people who struggle with these issues. Whether you’re stopping drinking or you’re sober curious (considering a sober lifestyle), you’re likely looking for healthy alcohol alternatives. With that in mind, here are four alcohol-free drinks for your health. Infusing sparkling water with natural fruit flavors, herbs, or even bitters can create a refreshing and sophisticated alternative to alcoholic drinks. Mocktails or alcohol-free cocktails are a creative and flavorful alternative to traditional alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol and Metabolic Health

Made by fermenting ginger, sugar, water, and lemon juice — with the help of a ginger beer “plant” or a specific type of yeast — this fermentation process creates a drink with a bold ginger flavor and natural carbonation. Alcohol alternatives allow people to enjoy the flavor profiles of alcoholic beverages but with fewer adverse effects, such as hangovers. Alternatives include nonalcoholic beer or wine, mocktails, and kombucha. You can get creative and craft all kinds of healthy and flavorful nonalcoholic drinks – the sky is truly the limit.

healthy alternatives to drinking alcohol

The news is out—we just launched our Kava Collective, a brand new kava subscription service! If you love to drink kava and have found the varieties you enjoy sipping on, our kava subscription service is for you. Dr. Su-Nui Escobar is a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist healthy alternatives to drinking alcohol in Miami, FL. She is passionate about helping women over 40 live their best lives through healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. Su-Nui is a doctor in clinical nutrition, able to translate complicated evidence-based science into practical advice.

Strawberry Mojito Mocktail

Our emotional and physical health needs change day to day and over longer periods of time. You don’t have to abandon your cocktails entirely — or the rituals you share with friends and family, Dr. Fong says. But bring other routines into your repertoire that give you a sense of calm and joy.

healthy alternatives to drinking alcohol

For all you wine lovers, there are a ton of options that mimic the taste, aroma, and flavors of a great bottle of wine without the alcohol. If you’re ready to enjoy life with alcohol-free alternatives to create a better balance, this blog post is for you. Finding a balance between being in the company of others and unwinding with ample solo time is what keeps our connections with others strong. The food and beverages you choose are secondary to how it feels to ease the tension of the week and float into the weekend feeling relaxed. Celebrations often call for food and drink to achieve a festive feeling.

The packaging, aromas, and tastes are largely the same without feeling the fullness and negative side effects of drinking alcohol. One way to start experiencing the benefits of sobriety or moderation is by introducing alcohol alternatives into your daily life. Alcohol alternatives can provide complex flavors and festive energy without sacrificing your health. Getting a massage is a great way to relax and de-stress.8 It’s also a great way to reduce muscle tension and pain. Massages are a great way to unwind in a similar fashion to having a drink, without the negative side effects of alcohol. The best part is, massages are available at most spas and massage clinics, making them a readily accessible choice.

After completing a three-week massage course as part of a small study at Northumbria University, couples reported long-term benefits like decreased stress, better coping, and higher relationship satisfaction. However, the craft sodas showing up in bars and restaurants today are far more sophisticated, perfect for more discerning palates. The tea is made from a blend of black or green tea, a sweetener, and SCOBY. This is the live culture you get in the fermentation process of bacteria and yeast. Kombucha has become the subtly fizzy, somewhat funky drink of choice for many seeking a healthier alcohol substitute. The compound is considered by some to be a key component of regular rest and improved mental health without the added effects of marijuana.

The Sober Curious Movement

The main reason is to maintain social connections which are so important to our health. Loneliness has been linked with high blood pressure, heart disease, infections, and cognitive problems. It may be twice as hard to maintain a community during the pandemic, but there are creative ways to do it. The pandemic has even provided some new opportunities for social connection through virtual classes, poetry readings, book clubs, and musical events.

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