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22 Tech Skills Java Programmers can Learn in 2023 DEV Community

As candidates progress beyond the professional level, the certification process begins to mimic the activities of a real world developer more closely. High level certification entails completing a design project and an essay exam. Like other computer engineers and programmers, Java developers often work long hours. A senior Java developer may analyze complex problems, develop documentation, review coding, and evaluate the development process. An architect, meanwhile, directs the project at the front end.

System Design and Software Architecture is one more thing I am suggesting every Java developer to learn in 2023 and there are a couple of reasons for that. This is also an excellent course to learn Java concurrency and multithreading in Java. The 5th version of the popular security framework has several bug fixes and a major OAuth 2 module, which you just can’t miss. This is another priority Item for me in 2023 along with Spring 6.0 framework stuff.

Scripting language

In this article, I’ll share 11 skills, which I believe, every programmer should know or learn in 2023. Another unit testing framework, JUnit lets Java programmers create test cases and run unit tests. Unit testing tools are crucial for fixing bugs, which is why mastering unit testing tools becomes imperative. JUnit creates new samples of the test class every time developer runs a test. One important thing to note is that creating test cases independent of each other is important with JUnit since JUnit runs tests randomly, without following a set sequence. A good Java developer has a strong understanding of technology and is eager to grasp new Java advances such as Java 8, JDK 10, and JVM internals.

Junior Java developers must be fluent in Java, as well as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. You must have an in-depth knowledge of these tools because today a lot of mobile applications are based on java web frameworks. When I started software development, I need to code in Notepad or DOS Editor, and then save the file, run the compiler from the command line, create a package by running an ANT script. Activities like Debugging and Profiling were a distant dream but the advent of IDEs like IntelliJIDEA and Visual Studio has completely changed how modern programmers develop software. If you are aiming for a career in software development and looking for a programming job then these are things you can learn and improve to stay ahead of your competition.

Inter-Service Communication in Monolithic Applications:

When the business writes software, it uses Excel, so you better know how to dissect the mess you are about to inherit. I found it’s more natural and some people have and other are not so great. Though, I did benefitted a lot from John’s Soft Skill book, I still thing it is one the hardest thing to learn or improve. We don’t work in solitude – almost all ventures consist of teams. And if you do happen to be a one-person coding machine, you need to be better than ever dealing with people if you hope to understand your users and sell your product.

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